Tages:DSE5510M Auto Start Load Share controller for Marine
Auto Start Load Share controller (Marine)
The DSE5510Mis an Automatic Engine ControlModule, designed to provide advanced load share
functionality for diesel and gas generating sets that include nonelectronic and electronic engines.
The module also provides excellent engine monitoring and protection features.
The modules load share functions include, automatic synchronising with built in synchroscope and
closing onto dead bus. Direct and flexible outputs from the module are provided to allow connection
to the most commonly used speed governors and automatic voltage regulators (AVRs).
The module has been designed to combine a maximum of 16 generators and 16mains (utility)
supplies up to a maximum of 20 in one system, e.g. 16 generators and 4mains (utility) supplies (DSE5560 required to synchronise with the mains).
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