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Tags:DSE509 Auto Mains Failure control module
The configurable Automatic Mains Failure Model DSE509 allows many of the industry’s demanding
specifications to be acheived. Variations of the unit offer additional functions such as the RS232
interface for remote monitoring by a volt free relay module, annunciator or building management system.
The DSE509 is used to start a generator on a mains (utility) failure, and transfer the load when the engine’s operating criteria has been met. On restoration of the mains (utility) supply, the engine is returned to standby mode.
Once activated, the 509 module carries out all the start and stop procedures of the engine, indicating
operational status and fault conditions, and automatically shutting down the engine , giving true first up fault condition of the engine failure. The information is displayed on an illuminated Liquid Crystal Display on the front panel.
Operation of the module is via a four position rotary switch (key-switch option available) mounted on the
front panel with STOP, AUTO, MANUAL (Off-load run) and TEST (on-load run) positions.